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At ELLE Boutique, we celebrate women all year round ! We would like to highlight the women who inspire us at the moment because of their strength of character and the struggles they face on a daily basis.

1. @michelleobama

Wife of the former President of the United States, she talks about her daily life and gives advice on women empowerment in her book « Devenir ».

2. @lenamahfouf 

Léna Mahfouf, French influencer and youtuber, is the number one youtuber of the moment. She advocates positivity and self-confidence in her book « +=+ ».

3. @lalaamisaki :

In 2010, she almost died during the earthquake that devastated Haiti and she had a trigger. She decided to learn to accept her shape and to show it off. Success came very quickly : she became a plus-size model and worked with a number of brands… Today, Lalaa Misaki is a key figure in French plus size fashion.

4. @winnieharlow

Suffering from vitiligo since she was 4 years old, Winnie Harlow has turned her peculiarity into a strength at the age of 22.  After being spotted on Instagram, she became a model. She has taken a new look at diversity in the fashion world.

5. @warutthaim

Influencer in Thailand, she is known for her sports routine videos and healthy tips.

6. @blackbeautybag 

Fatou N’Diaye is a French influencer. Creator of the first French beauty blog dedicated to black beauty, “Black Beauty Bag”, and a consultant for major cosmetic and luxury brands, she advocates diversity.

7. @dfdubz

Deborah Frances-White is a London-based comedian, author and screenwriter who also delivers corporate seminars on topics such as charisma, diversity and inclusion. She does feminist podcasts in English on social media.

8. @theimpossiblemuse 

24-year-old American Lauren Wasser contracts toxic shock syndrome and nearly dies. She lost both legs and became a model for many brands. She shares her strength with us on a daily basis.

On the road – Printemps Été 2018

Faites une pause cet été dans le sud de la France avec #ELLEontheroad.

Il est temps de faire quelque chose [...]
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Première participation de ELLE Décoration à l’exposition Maison&Objet !

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グランドホテルエクセルシオールヴィットリアの豪華さと素晴らしい周辺環境は私たちを虜にしました。ポジターノ、カプリ、ナポリなどの近くにあるソレントに位置するこの5つ星ホテルは、180年の歴史と伝統に満ちています。ELLE Boutiqueがこのホテルを推奨する理由は、息をのむほど美しい景色とイタリア風建築のゆえです。

ここは、#parisiananywhereには完璧な場所です。ELLEファミリーはこの鳥の渡りのようなSS19に向けたイタリア小旅行を心から楽しみました。イタリアにあるこの素晴らしいホテルでの夏の旅行を計画される場合は、 @elleboutiqueに掲載しているハイライトストーリーをご覧ください。2019年春・夏シーズンの撮影の舞台裏とともに忘れられない旅行へ皆さんをお連れします!#parisiananywhere #SS19 #BeExcelsiorVittoria

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